A New way to improve school communication using Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS: A New way to improve School Communication
Bulk SMS or text messages have become one of the popular models of communication nowadays. People rely on text messages than other sources such as emails. It is because text messages can be read quickly. So it is more efficient than emails. Also, it is proven by researches that 85% of people open their mobile messages as soon as they deliver the SMS. This is the main reason that schools are using bulk SMS marketing services to communicate with students, parents and other school members. Schools required proper communication system to follow better management and discipline. If there will not be any proper communication, it will become very difficult for students and other school members to get school updates. That is why it is very important to use Bulk SMS service.   

What is Bulk SMS Actually?
Let’s know a brief about the Bulk SMS before knowing about the benefits of bulk SMS for school communication. Bulk SMS is nothing but as simple as a general mobile SMS. In the bulk SMS, the message is sent to a large number of groups of mobile users. The difference between a general mobile SMS and Bulk SMS is that general mobile SMS is limited, it can be sent to only a few recipients at a single time but Bulk SMS can be sent to as much as recipients you want to send in a single click.     

Why Bulk SMS is efficient for schools?

To boost the communication of schools, Bulk SMS is playing a vital role nowadays. Why? It is because reading and sending the message is the very easiest process than sending Emails. Also, it takes very less time to deliver the message (within a minute). We have come to an era where it is very difficult to live without mobile phones nowadays.
The one other important thing every school should know is if you send mail to student, parents, guardian or other school members then it becomes spam message most of the time. Such kind of message sent by your school can also go into the promotional folder of the recipients until your School Id won’t be in the white list of the recipients. And we know that very rarely people check the spam message. And very fewer people check their mail on a regular basis especially students or their parents. So it is obvious that if you will send any information through the mail, it cannot be seen for the many days by students. With the Bulk SMS, such kind of problems does not create; it is because SMS can be checked very quickly without doing any long process. It is very easy for your students, parents, and staff to read school information by just checking the SMS.

Type of Bulk SMS you can send as School?  
Bulk SMS is of two types Transactional Bulk SMS and Promotional Bulk SMS. And these both types of SMS are important for Schools. Using the Transactional Bulk SMS, you can send an information message to your students, parents or staff. The main or important notices of school can be easily sent to your recipients like holiday notice etc.            
Using the Promotional Bulk SMS, you can promote your school easily by sending your message to recipients other than School members. It is for promoting your school so that more people can know about your school.

How to use Bulk SMS for School?
Yet, we all have known that Bulk SMS efficient for schools.  So now how going to you use the Bulk SMS service for your School. Here are some basic steps that will help you to use the Bulk SMS:
·        Purchase from best Bulk SMS service Provider company: To use the Bulk SMS service, at first you have to purchase the Bulk SMS service from any best Bulk SMS provider company in India. You can find such companies either on the internet or in your local place.
·        Type your message in brief: Bulk SMS provides 160 characters in 1 SMS credit. So you need to remember that you need to type your message as short as it can be. It can be brief and point to point message so that your recipients can easily read the message.
·        Add your contacts: when you type your SMS, then you need to just add your contacts as much as you want to. You can send your message to many groups of recipients at a single time.   

For more details contact us here - marketing@treemultisoft.com
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